"Nós não sabemos aquilo que queremos e, no entanto, somos responsáveis por aquilo que somos - este é o facto."
Jean-Paul Sartre
What do I do now? Am I to be made of stone? Must I be touched by nothing?
Language | How to say "Happy Birthday" |
Afrikaans | Veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag! |
Albanian | Urime ditelindjen! |
Alsatian | Gueter geburtsdaa! |
Amharic | Melkam lidet! |
Arabic | Eid milaad saeed! or Kul sana wa inta/i tayeb/a! (masculine/feminine) |
Armenian | Taredartzet shnorhavor! or Tsenund shnorhavor! |
Assyrian | Eida D'moladukh Hawee Brikha! |
Austrian-Viennese | Ois guade winsch i dia zum Gbuadsdog! |
Aymara (Bolivia) | Suma Urupnaya Cchuru Uromankja! |
Azerbaijani | Ad gununuz mubarek! -- for people older than you Ad gunun mubarek! -- for people younger than you |
Basque | Zorionak! |
Belauan-Micronesian | Ungil el cherellem! |
Bengali (Bangladesh/India) | Shuvo Jonmodin! |
Bicol (Philippines) | Maogmang Pagkamundag! |
Bislama (Vanuatu) | Hapi betde! or Yumi selebretem de blong bon blong yu! |
Brazil | ParabŽns a voc! ParabŽns a voc, nesta data querida muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida. |
Breton | Deiz-ha-bloaz laouen deoc'h! |
Bulgarian | Chestit Rojden Den! |
Cambodian | Som owie nek mein aryouk yrinyu! |
Catalan | Per molts anys! or Bon aniversari! or Moltes Felicitats! |
Chamorro | Biba Kumplianos! |
Chinese-Cantonese | Sun Yat Fai Lok! |
Chinese Fuzhou | San Ni Kuai Lo! |
Chiness-Hakka | Sang Ngit Fai Lok! |
Chinese-Mandarin | qu ni sheng er kuai le |
Chinese-Shanghaiese | San ruit kua lok! |
Chinese-Tiociu | Se Jit khuai lak! |
Chronia Polla | NA ZHSHS |
Croatian | Sretan Rodendan! |
Czech | Vsechno nejlepsi k Tvym narozeninam!! |
Danish | Tillykke med fodselsdagen! |
Dutch-Antwerps | Ne gelukkege verjoardach! |
Dutch-Bilzers | Ne geleukkege verjoardoag! |
Dutch-Drents | Fellisiteert! |
Dutch-Flemish | Gelukkige verjaardag! or Prettige verjaardag! |
Dutch-Frisian | Fan herte lokwinske! |
Dutch-Limburgs | Proficiat! or Perfisia! |
Dutch-Spouwers | Ne geleukkege verjeurdoag! |
Dutch-Twents | Gefeliciteard met oen'n verjoardag! |
Dutch | Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! |
English | Happy Birthday! |
Esperanto | Felichan Naskightagon! |
Estonian | Palju onne sunnipaevaks! |
Euskera | Zorionak zure urtebetetze egunean! |
Faroes ( Faroe island ) | Tillukku vid fodingardegnum! |
Farsi | Tavalodet Mobarak! |
Finnish | Hyvaa syntymapaivaa! |
French (Canada) | Bonne Fete! |
French | Joyeux Anniversaire! |
Frisian | Lokkiche jierdei! |
Gaelic (Irish) | L‡ breithe mhaith agat! |
Gaelic (Scottish) | Co` latha breith sona dhuibh! |
Galician (Spain) | Ledicia no teu cumpreanos! |
Georgian | Gilotcav dabadebis dges! |
German-Badisch | Allis Guedi zu dim Fescht! |
German-Bavarian | Ois Guade zu Deim Geburdstog! |
German-Berlinisch | Allet Jute ooch zum Jeburtstach! or Ick wuensch da allet Jute zum Jeburtstach! |
German-Bernese | Es Muentschi zum Geburri! |
German-Camelottisch | Ewllews Gewtew zewm Gewbewrtstewg. Mew! |
German-Frankonian | Allmecht! Iich wuensch Dir aan guuadn Gebuardsdooch! |
German-Lichtenstein | Haerzliche Glueckwuensche zum Geburtstag! |
German-Moselfraenkisch | Haezzlische Glickwunsch zem Gebordsdach! |
German-Plattdeutsch | Ick wuensch Di allns Gode ton Geburtsdach! |
German-Rhoihessisch | Ich gratelier Dir aach zum Geburtstag! |
German-Ruhr | Allet Gute zum Gebuatstach! |
German-Saarlaendisch | Alles Gudde for dei Gebordsdaach! |
German-Saechsisch | Herzlischen Gliggwunsch zum Geburdsdaach! |
German-Schwaebisch | Aelles Guade zom Gebordzdag! |
German-Wienerisch | Ois Guade zum Geburdsdog! |
German | Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! |
Greek | Eytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola! |
Greenlandic | Inuuinni pilluarit! |
Gronings (Netherlands) | Fielsteerd mit joen verjoardag! |
Gujarati (India) | Janma Divas Mubarak! |
Gujrati (Pakistan) | Saal Mubarak! |
Guarani (Paraguay Indian)] | Vy-Apave Nde Arambotyre! |
Hawaiian | Hau`oli la hanau! |
Hebrew | Yom Huledet Same'ach! |
Hiligaynon (Philippines) | Masadya gid nga adlaw sa imo pagkatawo! |
Hindi (India) | Janam Din ki badhai! or Janam Din ki shubkamnaayein! |
Hungarian | Boldog szuletesnapot! or Isten eltessen! |
Icelandic | Til hamingju med afmaelisdaginn! |
Indonesian | Selamat Ulang Tahun! |
Irish-gaelic | La-breithe mhaith agat! or Co` latha breith sona dhut! Or Breithla Shona Dhuit! |
Italian | Buon Compleanno! |
Italian (Piedmont) | Bun Cumpleani! |
Italian (Romagna) | At faz tent avguri ad bon cumplean! |
Japanese | Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu! |
Javaans-Indonesia | Slamet Ulang Taunmoe! |
Jerriais | Bouon Anniversaithe! |
Kannada (India) | Huttida Habba Subashayagalu! |
Kapangpangan (Philippines) | Mayap a Kebaitan |
Kashmiri (India) | Voharvod Mubarak Chuy! |
Kazakh (Kazakstan) | Tughan kuninmen! |
Klingon | Quchjaj qoSlIj! |
Korean | Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da! |
Kurdish | Rojbun a te piroz be! |
Kyrgyz | Tulgan kunum menen! |
Latin | Fortuna dies natalis! |
Latvian | Daudz laimes dzimsanas diena! |
Lithuanian | Sveikinu su gimtadieniu! or Geriausi linkejimaigimtadienio progal |
Luganda | Nkwagaliza amazalibwa go amalungi! |
Luxembourgeois | Vill Gleck fir daei Geburtsdaag! |
Macedonian | Sreken roden den! |
Malayalam (India) | Pirannal Aasamsakal! or Janmadinasamsakal! |
Malaysian | Selamat Hari Jadi! |
Maltese | Nifrahlek ghal gheluq sninek! |
Maori | Kia huritau ki a koe! |
Marathi (India) | Wadhdiwasachya Shubhechha! |
Mauritian Kreol | mo swet u en bonlaniverser! |
Mbula (Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea) | Leleng ambai pa mbeng ku taipet i! |
Mongolian | Torson odriin mend hurgee! |
Navajo | bil hoozho bi'dizhchi-neeji' 'aneilkaah! |
Niederdeutsch (North Germany) | Ick gratuleer di scheun! |
Nepali | Janma dhin ko Subha kamana! |
Norwegian | Gratulerer med dagen! |
Oriya (India) | Janmadina Abhinandan! |
Papiamento (lower Dutch Antilles) | Masha Pabien I hopi aña mas! |
Pashto (Afganistan) | Padayish rawaz day unbaraksha! |
Persian | Tavalodet Mobarak! |
Pinoy (Philippines) | Maligayang kaarawan sa iyo! |
Polish | Wszystkiego Najlepszego! or Wszystkiego najlepszego zokazji urodzin! wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin |
Portuguese (Brazil) | Parabens pelo seu aniversario! or Parabenspara voce! or Parabens e muitas felicidades! |
Portuguese | Feliz Aniversario! or Parabens! |
Punjabi (India) | Janam din diyan wadhayian! |
Rajasthani (India) | Janam ghaanth ri badhai, khoob jeeyo! |
Romanian | La Multi Ani! |
Rosarino Basico (Argentina) | Feneligiz Cunumplegeanagonos! |
Russian | S dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia! |
Sami/Lappish | Lihkos Riegadanbeaivvis! |
Samoan | Manuia lou aso fanau! |
Sanskrit (India) | Ravihi janmadinam aacharati! |
Sardinian (Italy) | Achent'annos! Achent'annos! |
Schwyzerduetsch (Swiss German) | Vill Glück zum Geburri! |
Serbian | Srecan Rodjendan! |
Slovak | Vsetko najlepsie k narodeninam! |
Slovene | Vse najboljse za rojstni dan! |
Sotho | Masego motsatsing la psalo! |
Spanish | Feliz Cumplea–os! |
Sri Lankan | Suba Upan dinayak vewa! |
Sundanese | Wilujeng Tepang Taun! |
Surinamese | Mi fresteri ju! |
Swahili | Hongera! or Heri ya Siku kuu! |
Swedish | Grattis pŒ fšdelsedagen |
Syriac | Tahnyotho or brigo! |
Tagalog (Philippines) | Maligayang Bati Sa Iyong Kaarawan! |
Taiwanese | San leaz quiet lo! |
Tamil (India) | Piranda naal vaazhthukkal! |
Telugu (India) | Janmadina subha kankshalu! |
Telugu | Puttina Roju Shubakanksalu! |
Thai | Suk San Wan Keut! |
Tibetan | Droonkher Tashi Delek! |
Tulu(Karnataka - India) | Putudina dina saukhya! |
Turkish | Dogum gunun kutlu olsun! |
Ukrainian | Mnohiya lita! or Z dnem narodjennia! |
Urdu (India) | Janam Din Mubarak |
Urdu (Pakistan) | Saalgirah Mubarak! |
Vietnamese | Chuc Mung Sinh Nhat! |
Visayan (Philippines) | Malipayong adlaw nga natawhan! |
Welsh | Penblwydd Hapus i Chi! |
Xhosa (South Afican) | Imini emandi kuwe! |
Yiddish | A Freilekhn Gebortstog! |
Yoruba (Nigeria) | Eku Ojobi! |
Zulu (South Afican) | Ilanga elimndandi kuwe! |
It so happens I’m tired of my feet and toenails,
my hair and my shadow.
It so happens I’m tired of being a man.
Still it would be a pleasure
to scare a lawyer with a severed lily
or deal death to a nun with a poke in the ear.
It would be good
to go through the streets with an emerald knife
and shout out till I died of cold.
I don’t want to go on being just a root in the shadows,
vacillating, extended, shivering with dream,
down in the damp bowels of earth,
absorbing it, thinking it, eating it every day.
I don’t want to be so much misfortune,
I don’t want to go on as a root or a tomb,
a subterranean tunnel, just a cellar of death,
frozen, dying in pain.