sábado, 31 de maio de 2008
quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2008
domingo, 25 de maio de 2008
sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2008
Inovation out of nature..

When DaimlerChrysler engineers searched for an animal model for a biomimetic car, little did they suspect that the ideal creature would be the boxfish -- a seemingly awkward and clumsy denizen of the coral reefs. Boxfish, however, are surprisingly aerodynamic and share common structure requirements with cars. When the swimming proficiency of boxfish was understood, design engineers adapted its traits to their revolutionary, environmentally-friendly concept vehicle: the Mercedes-Benz Bionic Car
quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2008
A Daughter of Eve
quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2008
sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2008

In psychology hostility is a form of angry internal rejection or denial . It is a part of personal construct psychology, developed by George Kelly.
Kelly defined hostility as the willful refusal to accept evidence that one's perceptions of the world are wrong. Instead of reconsidering, the hostile person attempts to force or coerce the world to fit their view, even if this is a forlorn hope, and however harmful the cost.
Whilst testing theories against reality is a necessary part of life, and persistence in the face of failure is often a necessary part of invention or discovery, in the case of hostility there is the distinction that the evidence is not assessed and a decision made to try again. Instead the evidence is suppressed or denied, and deleted from awareness - the unfavorable evidence which might suggest a prior belief is flawed is instead ignored and willfully avoided.
Psychologically, it can be said that reality is being held to ransom, and in this sense hostility is a form of psychological extortion - an attempt to force reality to produce the desired feedback, in order that preconceptions become validated.
In this sense, hostility is a response which forms part of discounting of unwanted cognitive dissonance.
terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008
quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008

"Há um desassossego em mim, um desassossego bizarro, diabólico, que poderia ser produtivo se eu o soubesse utilizar. Um desassossego criador. Não se trata de um desassossego do corpo. Nem mesmo uma dúzia de excitantes noites de amor lhe conseguiriam pôr fim. É um desassossego quase "sagrado".
Às vezes desejava estar numa cela conventual, com a sabedoria sublimada de séculos nas prateleiras de livros ao longo das paredes, e com vista para as searas - têm mesmo de ser searas e também de ondular - e aí eu quereria aprofundar-me nos séculos e em mim mesma, e, com o correr do tempo, viriam então o sossego e a clareza. Mas assim não custaria nada. Aqui, neste lugar, neste mundo e agora, tenho de alcançar o entendimento, o sossego e o equilíbrio. Tenho de me lançar na realidade repetidamente, tenho de me explicar tudo o que surge no meu caminho, o mundo exterior precisa de receber sustento do meu mundo interior e vice-versa, mas é tudo tão extremamente difícil, e porque é que tenho esta sensação de sufoco por dentro?"
terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008
segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2008
We have the baby.. all set..
this a real news story..
A couple people "decide they want to steal some candy from a candy shop after hours. They break the window and enter, fill their pockets and child’s stroller with hundreds of dollars worth of candy, then leave."
Here’s where it’s worse and more completely stupid.
They left a trail of candywrappers.
“Oh no! Someone has stolen hundreds of dollars worth of candy (instead of hundreds of dollars of money to spend on candy and other things, for whateva reason)! How will we ever catch them!”
“Wait a moment! Keep your eyes peeled…what clues can you spot?”
“Why…of course!
Someone this greedy for candy could not have helped themselves from eating a bit! If we follow these wrappers, we’ll find the suspects!”
“Right you are! Let’s get moving!”
It’s just…sooo depressing. And frankly, who drags a baby into their web of crime.. the worst part is the fact that they just…threw the wrappers on the ground! Incriminating evidence aside…don’t they understand how useful candy wrappers can be?
A fancy dress!
Or, if that’s too formal, a stylish jacket!
And, since she’s dedicated to making her baby do everything she does, baby clothes!
Pair that up with matching accessories, like this clutch (or, if those are too hard for you to keep track of, a bag).
Or, for more subtlety, a bracelet.
Seriously, people! Don’t be so wasteful! That’s the real crime of this story!
domingo, 4 de maio de 2008
Dan Dare, the Architects Comic?

A Dan Dare cartoon, taken from the new Science Museum exhibition.
Dan Dare was no ordinary Manchester lad. Born there in 1967, he studied at Cambridge and Harvard before joining Space Fleet and leading the first manned mission to Venus in 1996. It was there he first set eyes on Mekonta, the futuristic city where the Mekon, a Venusian Hitler type with a giant head, ruled over the unfeeling, raygun-happy Treens.
is at the Science Museum, London SW7,
until October 25. Details: sciencemuseum.org.uk