quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009


...como ficou chato ser moderno.
Agora serei eterno.

Eterno! Eterno!
O Padre Eterno,
a vida eterna,
o fogo eterno.

— O que é eterno, Yayá Lindinha?
— Ingrato! é o amor que te tenho.

Eternalidade eternite eternaltivamente

A cada instante se criam novas categorias do eterno.

Eterna é a flor que se fana
se soube florir
é o menino recém-nascido
antes que lhe dêem nome e lhe comuniquem o sentimento do efêmero
é o gesto de enlaçar e beijar
na visita do amor às almas
eterno é tudo aquilo que vive uma fração de segundo
mas com tamanha intensidade que se petrifica e nenhuma
[força o resgata
é minha mãe em mim que a estou pensando
de tanto que a perdi de não pensá-la
é o que se pensa em nós se estamos loucos
é tudo que passou, porque passou
é tudo que não passa, pois não houve
eternas as palavras, eternos os pensamentos; e
[passageiras as obras.
Eterno, mas até quando? é esse marulho em nós de um
[mar profundo.
Naufragamos sem praia; e na solidão dos botos
É tentação a vertigem; e também a pirueta dos ébrios.
Eternos! Eternos, miseravelmente.
O relógio no pulso é nosso confidente.

Mas eu não quero ser senão eterno.
Que os séculos apodreçam e não reste mais do que uma
[essência ou nem isso.

quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

Isto promete..

You are in a process of recovery from the cumulative, debilitating effect of several 'annoying little things' plus one or two big ones. The celestial picture is beginning to change. The sky suggests that you are about to regain faith in the notion that certain factors at least, ARE within your control. As you do, you will find that what you can do is far more important than what you can't. Concentrate on those things, and refuse to be distracted by the things you currently can't tackle, and you will be able to make progress now.

quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009


..the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore.

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before.

What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.

What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

Dr. Seuss


segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2009

Pois claro, natural.. Aos 32 o q seria de esperar

Actress Brittany Murphy, whose film credits include “Clueless,” “8 Mile” and “Sin City,” died Sunday. She was just 32.

According to the Associated Press, emergency responders were called after Murphy collapsed in her Los Angeles home Sunday morning. An official from the coroner’s office said the official cause of death may not be determined for some time, since toxicology tests are needed, but “it appears to be natural.”

domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009

isto e os sapatos brancos... :D

You know you are from Sweden when...

You have different sets of clothes for different halves of the year and rotate them in your wardrobe and storage rooms .
. The hallway of your home looks like a used shoe store.

1. You are obsessed with weather.2. You find it perfectly normal to ride a bike in a blizzard.3. It's only a blizzard if you can't see your car in the drive because it's covered in snow.4. You've worn a souwester (“sydväst”) without being a fisherman. 5. The first little bit of sun is out you go to the nearest park and you put on sunscreen factor 30 and a bikini while watching old ladies walk past in furry coats.6. You find it normal to have the headlights of the car on at the brightest and sunniest of days.7. You and your kids are the only ones in the playground wearing clothes according to weather. 8. You always go "That's not REAL snow" whenever it snows in countries that usually don't get snow.9. You find it adorable when people from other countries get excited about a few milimetres of snow that only stays on the ground for a few hours.10. You find it ridiculous schools in some other countries have to close if there comes more than five cm of snow on the roads during one night.

domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009