Greetings from down under..
Aqui dia 2 em melb.. still cold still sunny..lovelly
hj vou ao rmit, dar mais umas voltas pelas cidade que 'e grande mas n\ao t\ao grande que n\ao se possa andar(malditos teclados n\ao portugueses sem "til"s e cedilhas.. pfffffffff )
vou ao museu que hj est'a aberto at'e "as 9 pm, esta uma exposic'ao de art deco... muito fixe..
ontem ainda fui ao cine.. cheap tuesdays, 9$ per ticket (usually its 15$), so t'was a pretty good deal.. went to see the savages, with philip s. hoffman.. niceeeeeeeeee
i'm saving the dark night for sydney.. weeeeeeeeeee
hj ainda durmo em melb amanha passo c'a o dia e vou no night train pa syd, poupo nas viagens e na accommodation..
oh well
hope alls great with'ya all
ps. oh.. and today is melbourne day..
the 30 August 2008 marks 173 years since the founding of Melbourne – the day the first European settlers landed on the north banks of the Yarra River aboard the schooner Enterprize. This pioneering group was led by Captain John Lancey with Launceston builder George Evans and his servant Evan Evans, carpenters William Jackson and Robert Hay Marr, ploughman Charles Wise and blacksmith James Gilbert and his wife Mary making up the party.

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