sábado, 7 de fevereiro de 2009

:( Today...

I feel like complaining.
So here is a list of shit I hate and why it pisses me off:

- My asthma medication:
I told my doctor that it makes me all twitchy, dizzy and shaky but he was like "No, you're fine, this one won't make you react that way". Uhhh, yes it does. So it's really this double edged sword - do I want to feel like I've just done some really shitty coke or would I rather my lungs fail because I can't breath?? hmmm, so tempting.

- Time is going so slowly:
I look at the clock after what feels like half an hour and it's only been 5 minutes. This has been happening to me since Monday. what. the. fuck?

- My best friends being a million years away:
Self explanatory but still heaps shitty.

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