sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

thoughts and tips..

  • Contrary to the widespread belief, brainstorms are more about giving sense to old ideas than discovering new ones.
  • Every model is based on assumptions. Paradigms and stereotypes are more abstract models that don’t necessary come with explicit assumptions, which narrows down creativity.
  • Creativity is about changing perception. Innovation is about changing things.
  • Techniques for workshops:
    • Choose a random organisation having nothing to do with your industry. What is the probability it takes over your business in 10 years? Explain SWOT.
    • Speak about your job without using the most commonly used words to describe it.
    • A paradox is when reality doesn’t follow the model. A new model must then be applied. An ambiguity is when reality can be represented by several models; it is far more common. Creativity is about building new conceptual ‘boxes’ inspired by ambiguities.
Luc de Brabandère is ‘corporate philosopher’ and director at BCG,

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